Friday 5 June 2020

Opportunities I've taken part in for M.E Awareness Month

So I've been quite busy this month supporting the work done by Action for M.E and the M.E Association.

To start off with I took part in a short video with Action for M.E with two other people, Daisy and Simon, who both have M.E also using our expertise by experience in self-care and coping with the coronavirus lockdown.

As a result of the video BBC Radio Humberside got in touch with Action for M.E asking if I was up to being on their breakfast show so last Friday I did a prerecorded interview talking about M.E, why I decided to take part in the video and also M.E and the coronavirus lockdown.

The link to the radio show is here; it's about 17 ½ minutes into the show for the extended interview.
(Looking back I wish I spoken more about how M.E affects me personally rather than explaining what M.E is.)

Then earlier in the year I submitted my story to the M.E Association's M.E Awareness Campaign which their themes for this year are 'The Lost Years' and 'The Symptoms of M.E' and those have been shared on their website and social media. 

The link to my two articles are below:


This was an awareness event I put together myself. Each day something was asked about myself and M.E (and some days non illness related things). For example 'Who am I', 'The difficult aspect of having M.E', 'Happiness', 'M.E in one word', 'Myths and Facts', 'Friendships' etc.

Each day on Instagram I shared that day's response in an Instagram story. I saved them as a highlight. A link to my Instagram account can be found here.

Then on my blog here I went into more detail with my responses and published them as a weekly post: