Tuesday 9 June 2020

Social Prescribing: An Introduction

Social Prescribing is something that I'm benefiting from at the moment and it's something that I'm fairly new too. I have a Link Worker who I'm starting to get to know at the moment and she can support me for up for two years.

Who is Social Prescribing for?

People who may benefit from social prescribing include:
  • Individuals with chronic long-term illness
  • Individuals with complex needs that is affecting their wellbeing
  • Those in need of support with their mental health
  • People who are isolated from society

What is Social Prescribing?

Social Prescribing follows the Social Model of care as opposed to the traditional Medical Model of care used in medicine. (See my blog post on the Social and Medical Models of care.) It recognises that a person's health is not just determined by their physical wellbeing but that other factors play a role also in a person such as social, economic and environmental and cultural factors.

This could include:
  • Lifestyle including diet, exercise, alcohol consumption and smoking
  • Finances including debt and a person's disposable income
  • Eduction
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Religion
  • Where a person lives
  • Access to the community

Social Prescribing comes from the NHS' 'Long-Term Plan' and it replaces the 'one-size fits all' model of care, especially when it comes to supporting individuals with complex and/or chronic needs the extend beyond their physical wellbeing. For example tackling isolation, accessing the community, confidence building and more. It aims to gives people fuller and healthier lives all round addressing not just physical needs, but social, emotional, spiritual, cultural and intellectual needs.

Working in Partnership

Social Prescribing services work in partnership with a wide range of health and social care professionals as well as with partner organisation including the NHS, Public Health England, the British Medical Association, Community Leisure UK, the National Association of Primary Care, National Voices, the National Academy for Social Prescribing and more. (*NALW)
