Spoonie Survival Kits Photo Challenge - Day 1

Day 1: You - Tell us about yourself
I'm 24 (25 next month!). My hobbies and interests include: arts & crafts from crochet to deco patch I'll give anything a go, I love baking (the last thing I made was chocolate brownies), I also enjoy writing letters to my pen pals and Postcrossing - I have a 2 centre long noticeboard in my room for all my mail! I love Disney, Harry Potter and Moomins! My favourite animals are zebras and butterflies. My favourite colour has to be the colour of my bedroom walls which is officially called 'Unicorn Horn'; it's like a dusky pink colour; I also like the colour grey and if sparkle was a colour that would be one of my favourite colours too. I love wearing my Doc Martens and If I could I'd have a different pair for every day of the month. I'm a qualified CND Shellac™ Nail Artist. At the moment I'm really enjoying doing my make up and I'm trying to get more experimental with my look. I've just completed an online Foundation Diploma in Art and Design and I specialised in textile design and I won an award from the college. I'm now doing some distance learning courses to keep me busy and to keep learning new things. I enjoy volunteering, which is on hold at the moment due to my health but I hope to get back to it when I can. I hope to return to University and my dream job/career aim is to train as a Child Psychotherapist. Some of the things that are on my bucket list include: seeing the Northern Lights, visiting Shetland and Orkney, crocheting a jumper for myself and sew my own clothes and learning to sit-ski.