Tuesday 3 January 2023

Positives out of 2022 and Plans and projects for 2023

Over the years I've often struggled at this time of year. I feel that especially due to my health compared to most other people my age my life is pretty stuck, uninteresting and going nowhere and filled with not much else other than my health (or lack of!). But putting my health aside there's a few things to celebrate from the past year. I'm also not a person who set's New Year's resolutions but for 2023 I have some projects and things I want to do.

Looking back on my plans for 2022

So firstly, looking back on last years post with my plans for 2022 let's see what's I've ticked off:

✔️ Committing to my 1 Second Every Day Project (the video is on my YouTube channel)

✔️ Growing my blog and YouTube channel - I did take a blogging break when I had my surgery but I did continue with my blog this year. I've also continued with my YouTube channel - I did reduce how often I posted due to my health but my subscriber numbers continued to grow.

✔️ I finally had my surgery in April

✔️ I found my second PA (carer) Jo (- who is lovely)

What else have I achieved in 2022

✔️ So for a few years now I haven't been able to go to the hairdressers and because I was shielding I couldn't even have my home hairdresser so this year one achievement has been going to the hairdressers to have my hair done.

✔️ I set myself a book goal on Good Reads and I reached that so I upped that and I exceeded that goal and I've worked my way through 97 audiobooks and books.

✔️ On the theme of books one major achievement this year has been to begin reading books again. This may seem minor but I used to love reading and the ability to read books was something that M.E. took away from me so to begin reading books again has been a big win this year. I've read one proper book and a shorter book as well as poetry pamphlets.

✔️ I raised £76 for Action for M.E. selling handmade Christmas cards

✔️ I also feel happy that I've 'found my tribe' on Instagram and through my pen pals and the Chronic Warrior Collective in terms of friends and people who are positive in my life. Many also have chronic health problems/disabilities but it's a healthy and supportive tribe as opposed to the negative "support" groups I've joined on social media in the past.

Projects and plans for 2023

šŸŒˆ The first thing is my charity fundraising project I'm going to do. I'm going to continue to sell my handmade cards and raise money for Smile for M.E and Action for M.E.

šŸŒˆ I want to read more books

šŸŒˆ I want like to do my nails more often - and if I keep this up I'll treat myself to some more Shellac nail polishes. I'd also like to do my makeup more often too.

šŸŒˆ I hope to find myself my own home

šŸŒˆ I would like to do more random acts of kindness

šŸŒˆ I said this last year and I'm saying it again (!) but I want to stick to my photo/bullet journal on a regular basis (hopefully daily)

šŸŒˆ I want to get my giant diamond painting finished