Tuesday 5 January 2021

My One Second Every Day 2020 Video

Below you can find my 1SE 2020 video this is my second year (I think) in which I've done a full year of 1SE. 

I enjoy the challenge of 1SE to find things to video/photograph and to capture a small snippet of each and every day of the year. I love looking back on my 1SE, especially at the end of the year and seeing what I'd chosen to do as a video or photograph for that day.

This year has seen a lot... then end to a long hospital stay and adjusting to being back home, a global pandemic, the ups and downs of life with chronic health problems and all that entails. I've had my fair share of difficulties on a persona level but this year I've really tried to focus on all aspects of who I am; not just the one health portion and I feel that is reflected in the snippets I've captured this year. By no means is my life at all exiting, I've spent the vast majority of 2020 in hospital or being stuck inside. However there have been happy moments. I love keeping my blog and all he letters that I've received from friends through the year; laughing at how my brother couldn't ride and electric bike when me with my poor core stability managed much better at it than him, a socially distanced cake party on the front lawn for my birthday, the awareness raising work I've done for M.E including published articles and a video and much more. Despite all the challenges I do feel so so grateful for the people I have in my life and the treasured memories they give me.