Action for M.E.'s campaign Walk with M.E. event which is a sponsored walk with a twist: everything is done as a team. Starting on Friday 1st of February, team members count their steps for 100 days and add them together to make one grand team total, aiming to reach one million steps between them.
Walk with M.E. was organised for the first time in 2017 by Action for M.E. supporter Natalie, who was diagnosed with M.E. in 2010 and has kindly allowed us to continue running the event.
Natalie explains below how she designed the event to be accessible to as many people with M.E. as possible:
Natalie’s story
“Ten thousand steps per day is quite achievable for most but it's actually quite a lot for someone like me. M.E/CFS participants will need support to complete this challenge, as they may do with their usual day to day activities. The challenge is therefore designed to be completed in teams, which means my team mates can help me out and donate their steps to help me achieve my target of 1 million steps over 100 days.”
To find out more or take part click here.