Tuesday 8 December 2020

My Article in Action For M.E's InterAction Magazine

A couple of months ago I contacted Action for M.E asking if I could write something for their InterAction magazine, which gets sent out to members. I had a few ideas that I proposed to them and a few of them they liked and asked if I could merge them together and also if I was able to write a two page article. They also asked for some photographs to go with the the article.

The article touched upon living with severe M.E and how I've ben able to find ways to do the things I love - blogging and letter writing. I also write about friendships and the importance of staying connected with people and how for me I love letter writing and like with blogging how I've found ways to keep in touch with friends via letters. I also touch in the article on friendships.

An open magazine article. The heading is "I've found new ways to do the things I love". The main body of text is unreadable. There is a large photograph of a caucasian young woman with auburn hair in a braid wearing dark glass sat up in bed with a bed table in front of her with her laptop on the bed table. There is also a smaller picture od a laptop with my blog's webpage superimposed on the screen. Behind her is a notice board with colourful item pinned to it.