Monday, 20 January 2025

The challenges of when my carers aren’t here

When my PA calls in sick depending on how much notice they give me I try to arrange emergency care cover with my care agency, unfortunately they can’t always provide cover so then I’m left with no option but to try and cope on my own which can be is difficult, made worse by the unpredictability of my health conditions. Sometimes I book in agency care but there’s a miscommunication and my care doesn’t get scheduled so I’m left without care then too.

When I have care I try to be as independent as I can be and do as much as I can for myself within my ability that given day. Often I wish that I didn’t have a need for care and that I could do everything for myself; that I could just get a bath with simple ease and that I can manage my home all on my own. However when I’m without care that’s when I realise just how much I rely upon my PAs/carers just for the simplest of things to support and enable me to do most things.

It’s not until I’m without care that I realise just how exhausting it is to do the simplest of things like get basic meals, get drinks, get dressed. I have to ration my energy and decide where best to put it; I also have to set reminders to eat and do other tasks otherwise I forget to as my memory lapses over what time in the day it is. When I’m without care I aim to get myself dressed as I find having pyjama days negatively affect my sleep routine. However sometimes I’m just too exhausted to get dressed and I can’t manage the task on my own as usual my PAs/carers give me a hand with getting dressed when they’re here.

Thankfully though I will usually have some evening care so I’m still able to get a wash of some sort, I try to aim for a sink wash but on a bad day if I’m exhausted from not having care in the day or it’s one of my bad days all I can manage is a wash in bed with a fresh set of pyjamas. I still feel clean and ready for bed but it’s not the same as my PA/carer enabling me to have a bath as part of my morning routine. A quick shower in the evening isn’t possible, there’s time but my hypersensitivity can’t tolerate showers and doing something quickly I find hard as I need to go slow and pace my care.

Getting breakfast and dinner is difficult, I just get simple things to make it easier for me, like cereal or yogurt and fruit for meals. At least my tea, hopefully, will be cooked by the evening PA/carer and I can leave my pots to be washed by them - another exhausting job I don’t have to do. I often try to leave as many jobs as possible for my PAs/carers to do to save my energy even if t means that to pots to wash stack up or my laundry basket gets a bit full as I can’t put a load on as I have no one to help me put it on the airer or fold and put it away.

When my evening PA/carer is off I try to prepare things in the day with my PA/carer (if I have one). I’ll have my main meal at dinner time midday and a sandwich will go in the fridge to eat later. My night bag will be set up for me and also my night drinks will be made up too so all I have to aim to do later on is set a remember to eat my sandwich and get into my pyjamas.

When my main PA had COVID last year I tried to manage as best I could (my care agency back then didn’t provide emergency care) on my own before I became so exhausted I couldn’t go on. In tears over how exhausted I was I called the adult social care service and their urgent care team stepped in to come in and care for me. It was a much welcome relief to get some care and I’m still so grateful for that service as I don’t know what I would have done or how I would have gone on without them. It’s also good to know that the service is there should I ever need it again.

My main hope is to get a full team of PAs so I don’t need a care agency and some of my PAs in my care team will be able to cover for other PAs in situations such as sickness or annual leave so that I’m not without care.

It’s difficult realising just how much I need the support and enablement my PAs/carers give me but it allows me to live an independent life in my own home despite all the challenges with my health. I’m truly grateful to what my PAs and carers give to me.