Thursday 13 October 2022

Fundraising for Action for M.E this Christmas

This year I'm raising money for Action for M.E by selling handmade Christmas cards. I wanted to support an M.E charity having M.E myself and I chose Action for M.E to help them continue to run some of their projects such as the Christmas Angels project and their listening service 'Listen to M.E' as well as the charity's advocacy and campaign work that they do to give people with M.E a voice through raising awareness of M.E and trying to get better access to and more funding for services, treatment and research. You can find out more fully the work of Action for M.E and information about M.E on their website.

So far I've managed to raise £10 and I have one current order in the making so more funds will be on their way. I've made a little chart in my bullet journal to document the amount I raising. I know it won't be much but I know that every pound will help.

This is actually quite a challenging fundraising task for me. I love being creative but having severe M.E card making can be quite exhausting (just like everything else is!) I can only spend about 10-20 minutes of activity a day so generally I can only get one card made a day without overdoing it.

I've had some lovely comments from people with comments such as saying how I'm using my creativity in a wonderful way to support a charity.

I just wanted a little project to work on and I love card making and I thought making cards and selling them to fundraise would be a nice idea. I wasn't sure when to start selling cards but when I asked people on social media some people suggested starting early before people started to buy cards in shops. In all honesty I'm glad I've started early as it's giving me the time to make cards and also get the word out there too.

If you would like to purchase any handmade cards please message me via my Instagram profile here.